About us

AUSTRIAN PEACEKEEPER FORUM 17 – 18 OCTOBER – NATIONAL DEFENCE ACADEMY VIENNA /// CONGRESS & GENERAL ASSEMBLY 7th – 11th Oct. 2024 – Military Academie Wr. Neustadt – Austria – register now — EMPA Awards – call for nominations – deadline 30th July 2024

What is EMPA (European Military Press Association)?

Founded 1977 in Rome/Italy as an association under Swiss private law

EMPA is the Association
»    for chief editors and directors of military periodicals and audio-visual training aids and means of information published in Europe which are of European, national or superregional importance,
»    for other persons who are experts in security- and defence policy and publish in European military and other media.

EMPA offers
»    a forum for information and communication,
»    exchange of experience,
»    exchange of media.

Principles of EMPA
»    When fulfilling its tasks, EMPA adopts the basic idea of the Council of Europe, which was founded in 1949 with the following aim: „Its aim shall be to form a greater unity for the purpose of realizing the ideals and principles of the common European heritage and for the purpose of encouraging the political, economic, and social progress. These aims shall be achieved by means of consultations, agreements and co-operative action in the fields of economic, social cultural, scientific, legal, and administrative affairs as well as by preserving and achieving human rights and fundamental freedoms,“
»    embedded in the idea of a common Europe, EMPA intends to be a forum for the permanent exchange of ideas between military journalists and media representatives, and wants to contribute to strengthening peace in freedom, ensuring security and defence readiness being inextricably linked therewith.

»    support the work of the members
»    facilitate the establishment of contact between its members
»    offering opportunities for an exchange of information
»    assistance in gaining access to foreign military information
»    promotion of the understanding for the security policy and general policies of other countries
»    promotion of the knowledge of armed forces,
»    organizing common events on-site.

»    members of the EMPA are journalists of printed media and electronic media both military and civilian.
»    EMPA has about 100 members in 20 European countries (NATO, EU, neutral).
»    Annual membership fee – 50 EUR

»    Annual congress with general meeting

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