About us
What is EMPA (European Military Press Association)?
Founded in 1977 in Rome, Italy, EMPA is an association for editors-in-chief, directors of military publications, and experts in security and defence policy
EMPA offers
- A forum for information
Principles of EMPA
- Aligns with the Council of Europe’s aim to promote unity, progress, and human rights
- Serves as a forum for military journalists to exchange ideas and contribute to peace and security
- Support members‘ work
- Facilitate member contacts
- Offer opportunities for information exchange
- Assist in accessing foreign military information
- Promote understanding of security policies and armed forces
- Organize joint events
» members of the EMPA are journalists of printed media and electronic media both military and civilian.
» EMPA has about 100 members in 20 European countries (NATO, EU, neutral).
» Annual membership fee – 50 EUR
» Annual congress with general meeting

© 2023 European Military Press Association - Austria